Sunday, July 31, 2011

#3 Run a Marathon: Week Two

Finished week two of training! I did have to scale back to the half marathon training because the 3 mile runs everyday and 7+ miles every weekend were killing me. I guess I am more out of shape then I realized or maybe I did not realize how much effort it would take. I am used to making up my mind to run 7 miles and then just doing it. I have never had to take it easy before but then again I was never much of a consistent runner before. Anyways, with the half marathon training I am doing more cross training and my long runs start out at 4 miles that build. This actually works out well because I will finish the half marathon in October then I can start marathon training and be up to speed by January.

I know it is still early in training but this feels great. I have never been so determined in my life and the determination is spilling over into other areas. I got up every day this week without pressing snooze on my alarm clock and I wasn't late to work a single day. For me, that is huge if not a miracle. Not only that, I have been more focused in studying for school and I feel like it is actually starting to click. Of course, school doesn't start until August 23rd so we shall see how the semester goes but I feel less chaotic now. Once school starts I will have a more structured schedule and I plan on penciling in runs all over the place. I am really excited to see how this training might actually change my life. It has definitely become my new priority and given me a lot of hope. At the same time I could also just be experiencing a large amount of "runner's high" at the moment. Whatever it is, I'm lovin' it.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

#3 Run a Marathon: Week One

I have successfully completed week one of Hal Higdon's Marathon training for Novices. I have to admit running 3 miles a day is harder than I thought it would be. I used to be able to run three miles with no problem. I guess this means that I am successfully out of shape. Hal goes on and on about not pushing too hard, that a runner is better to come to a marathon under-trained than injured from over-training. So, figuring Hal knows what he is talking about, I let myself take it easier than I would in the past and ran as much as I could which has been in the 2 mile range while, walking a song/running a song the last mile. Monday morning I am supposed to run 6 miles, however, working 8:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. all week with an hour commute each way might force me to run in place inside for an hour while on my lunch break unless the weather decides to stop being in the 90+ range. January seems so far away and yet, it feels like it is coming up way too fast. I am terrified that I will not make it 26.2 miles and it does not help reading about the imaginary wall runners hit at mile 20 when your body has burned up all of its reserve and runs on empty for the last 6.2 miles. Running for 4 to 5 hours (the expected beginners rate) seems insane yet exciting at the same time. At this point all I care about is finishing. I do not care if I have to crawl my way to the finish line as long as I get there. So here is to the next six months of my life being some of the best yet! Yay!